This module generates a series of high level plots that describe the data overall and may be useful for identifying anomalous data and/or covariates.

  • Heatmaps
  • PCA
  • Study design
  • Other QC
    • Heatmap of Raw Data
      More Plot Information  Detected/undetected calls

      Heatmap of Raw Data

      Heatmap of the raw counts. The plot is meant to provide an overview of how robust the raw expression levels are across samples and gene sets. Datasets that entirely lack higher level expressions (e.g. counts > 100) may indicate experimental failure or low input. The detected/undetected calls links to a .csv file stating whether each probe is above background, with 0/1 indicating below/above background. If the user has not specified a detection threshold, probes are called detected if they have more than double the counts of the median negative control.

    • Heatmap of All Data
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      Heatmap of All Data

      Heatmap of the normalized data, scaled to give all genes equal variance, generated via unsupervised clustering. Orange indicates high expression; blue indicates low expression. This plot is meant to provide a high level exploratory view of the data.

    • Principal Components of All Data
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      Principal Components of All Data

      Principal component analysis maps high-dimensional datasets onto a smaller number of highly informative dimensions. Here, the first four principal components of the gene expression data are plotted against each other and colored by the values of the selected covariate. This plot may be used to identify clusters in the data and to identify variables associated with prominent signal in the data. Variables that are associated with these leading principal components should be considered in downstream analyses.

    • More Plot Information

      Pairwise comparisons of all covariates in the analysis. The type of plot is dependent on the types of variables compared; A categorical vs. categorical covariate plot is shown as a bar chart of counts (Y axis). Continuous vs. categorical covariates generate a boxplot with whiskers denoting 1.5 IQR. Continuous vs. continuous covariates are compared via a scatter plot. Variables that are correlated with a biological variable of interest are potential confounders that may influence downstream analyses. Additionally, bar plots and histograms show the distributions of categorical and continuous variables, respectively.

    • Variance vs. Mean normalized signal plot across all targets/probes
      More Plot Information  Mean and Variance statistics across all genes

      Variance vs. Mean normalized signal plot across all targets/probes

      Each gene's variance in the log-scaled, normalized data is plotted against its mean value across all samples. Highly variable genes are indicated by gene name. Housekeeping genes are color coded according to their use in (or omission from) normalization.

    • p-value distribution plots
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      p-value distribution plots

      For each covariate included in the analysis, a histogram of p-values testing each gene's univariate association with the chosen covariate is displayed. Covariates with largely flat histograms have minimal association with gene expression; covariates with histograms with significantly more mass on the left are either associated with the expression of many genes or are confounded with a covariate that is associated with the expression. Low p-values indicate strong evidence for an association.

  • Heatmaps
  • PCA
    • Heatmap of CC.PLS.Apop Data
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      Heatmap of CC.PLS.Apop Data

      Heatmap of the normalized data, scaled to give all genes equal variance, generated via unsupervised clustering. Orange indicates high expression; blue indicates low expression. This plot is meant to provide a high level exploratory view of the data.

    • Principal Components of CC.PLS.Apop Data
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      Principal Components of CC.PLS.Apop Data

      Principal component analysis maps high-dimensional datasets onto a smaller number of highly informative dimensions. Here, the first four principal components of the gene expression data are plotted against each other and colored by the values of the selected covariate. This plot may be used to identify clusters in the data and to identify variables associated with prominent signal in the data. Variables that are associated with these leading principal components should be considered in downstream analyses.

  • Heatmaps
  • PCA
    • Heatmap of ChromMod Data
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      Heatmap of ChromMod Data

      Heatmap of the normalized data, scaled to give all genes equal variance, generated via unsupervised clustering. Orange indicates high expression; blue indicates low expression. This plot is meant to provide a high level exploratory view of the data.

    • Principal Components of ChromMod Data
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      Principal Components of ChromMod Data

      Principal component analysis maps high-dimensional datasets onto a smaller number of highly informative dimensions. Here, the first four principal components of the gene expression data are plotted against each other and colored by the values of the selected covariate. This plot may be used to identify clusters in the data and to identify variables associated with prominent signal in the data. Variables that are associated with these leading principal components should be considered in downstream analyses.

  • Heatmaps
  • PCA
    • Heatmap of DNARepair Data
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      Heatmap of DNARepair Data

      Heatmap of the normalized data, scaled to give all genes equal variance, generated via unsupervised clustering. Orange indicates high expression; blue indicates low expression. This plot is meant to provide a high level exploratory view of the data.

    • Principal Components of DNARepair Data
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      Principal Components of DNARepair Data

      Principal component analysis maps high-dimensional datasets onto a smaller number of highly informative dimensions. Here, the first four principal components of the gene expression data are plotted against each other and colored by the values of the selected covariate. This plot may be used to identify clusters in the data and to identify variables associated with prominent signal in the data. Variables that are associated with these leading principal components should be considered in downstream analyses.

  • Heatmaps
  • PCA
    • Heatmap of Driver Gene Data
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      Heatmap of Driver Gene Data

      Heatmap of the normalized data, scaled to give all genes equal variance, generated via unsupervised clustering. Orange indicates high expression; blue indicates low expression. This plot is meant to provide a high level exploratory view of the data.

    • Principal Components of Driver Gene Data
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      Principal Components of Driver Gene Data

      Principal component analysis maps high-dimensional datasets onto a smaller number of highly informative dimensions. Here, the first four principal components of the gene expression data are plotted against each other and colored by the values of the selected covariate. This plot may be used to identify clusters in the data and to identify variables associated with prominent signal in the data. Variables that are associated with these leading principal components should be considered in downstream analyses.

  • Heatmaps
  • PCA
    • Heatmap of HH Data
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      Heatmap of HH Data

      Heatmap of the normalized data, scaled to give all genes equal variance, generated via unsupervised clustering. Orange indicates high expression; blue indicates low expression. This plot is meant to provide a high level exploratory view of the data.

    • Principal Components of HH Data
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      Principal Components of HH Data

      Principal component analysis maps high-dimensional datasets onto a smaller number of highly informative dimensions. Here, the first four principal components of the gene expression data are plotted against each other and colored by the values of the selected covariate. This plot may be used to identify clusters in the data and to identify variables associated with prominent signal in the data. Variables that are associated with these leading principal components should be considered in downstream analyses.

  • Heatmaps
  • PCA
    • Heatmap of JAK-STAT Data
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      Heatmap of JAK-STAT Data

      Heatmap of the normalized data, scaled to give all genes equal variance, generated via unsupervised clustering. Orange indicates high expression; blue indicates low expression. This plot is meant to provide a high level exploratory view of the data.

    • Principal Components of JAK-STAT Data
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      Principal Components of JAK-STAT Data

      Principal component analysis maps high-dimensional datasets onto a smaller number of highly informative dimensions. Here, the first four principal components of the gene expression data are plotted against each other and colored by the values of the selected covariate. This plot may be used to identify clusters in the data and to identify variables associated with prominent signal in the data. Variables that are associated with these leading principal components should be considered in downstream analyses.

  • Heatmaps
  • PCA
    • Heatmap of MAPK Data
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      Heatmap of MAPK Data

      Heatmap of the normalized data, scaled to give all genes equal variance, generated via unsupervised clustering. Orange indicates high expression; blue indicates low expression. This plot is meant to provide a high level exploratory view of the data.

    • Principal Components of MAPK Data
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      Principal Components of MAPK Data

      Principal component analysis maps high-dimensional datasets onto a smaller number of highly informative dimensions. Here, the first four principal components of the gene expression data are plotted against each other and colored by the values of the selected covariate. This plot may be used to identify clusters in the data and to identify variables associated with prominent signal in the data. Variables that are associated with these leading principal components should be considered in downstream analyses.

  • Heatmaps
  • PCA
    • Heatmap of Notch Data
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      Heatmap of Notch Data

      Heatmap of the normalized data, scaled to give all genes equal variance, generated via unsupervised clustering. Orange indicates high expression; blue indicates low expression. This plot is meant to provide a high level exploratory view of the data.

    • Principal Components of Notch Data
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      Principal Components of Notch Data

      Principal component analysis maps high-dimensional datasets onto a smaller number of highly informative dimensions. Here, the first four principal components of the gene expression data are plotted against each other and colored by the values of the selected covariate. This plot may be used to identify clusters in the data and to identify variables associated with prominent signal in the data. Variables that are associated with these leading principal components should be considered in downstream analyses.

  • Heatmaps
  • PCA
    • Heatmap of PI3K Data
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      Heatmap of PI3K Data

      Heatmap of the normalized data, scaled to give all genes equal variance, generated via unsupervised clustering. Orange indicates high expression; blue indicates low expression. This plot is meant to provide a high level exploratory view of the data.

    • Principal Components of PI3K Data
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      Principal Components of PI3K Data

      Principal component analysis maps high-dimensional datasets onto a smaller number of highly informative dimensions. Here, the first four principal components of the gene expression data are plotted against each other and colored by the values of the selected covariate. This plot may be used to identify clusters in the data and to identify variables associated with prominent signal in the data. Variables that are associated with these leading principal components should be considered in downstream analyses.

  • Heatmaps
  • PCA
    • Heatmap of RAS Data
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      Heatmap of RAS Data

      Heatmap of the normalized data, scaled to give all genes equal variance, generated via unsupervised clustering. Orange indicates high expression; blue indicates low expression. This plot is meant to provide a high level exploratory view of the data.

    • Principal Components of RAS Data
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      Principal Components of RAS Data

      Principal component analysis maps high-dimensional datasets onto a smaller number of highly informative dimensions. Here, the first four principal components of the gene expression data are plotted against each other and colored by the values of the selected covariate. This plot may be used to identify clusters in the data and to identify variables associated with prominent signal in the data. Variables that are associated with these leading principal components should be considered in downstream analyses.

  • Heatmaps
  • PCA
    • Heatmap of TGF-B Data
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      Heatmap of TGF-B Data

      Heatmap of the normalized data, scaled to give all genes equal variance, generated via unsupervised clustering. Orange indicates high expression; blue indicates low expression. This plot is meant to provide a high level exploratory view of the data.

    • Principal Components of TGF-B Data
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      Principal Components of TGF-B Data

      Principal component analysis maps high-dimensional datasets onto a smaller number of highly informative dimensions. Here, the first four principal components of the gene expression data are plotted against each other and colored by the values of the selected covariate. This plot may be used to identify clusters in the data and to identify variables associated with prominent signal in the data. Variables that are associated with these leading principal components should be considered in downstream analyses.

  • Heatmaps
  • PCA
    • Heatmap of TXmisReg Data
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      Heatmap of TXmisReg Data

      Heatmap of the normalized data, scaled to give all genes equal variance, generated via unsupervised clustering. Orange indicates high expression; blue indicates low expression. This plot is meant to provide a high level exploratory view of the data.

    • Principal Components of TXmisReg Data
      More Plot Information

      Principal Components of TXmisReg Data

      Principal component analysis maps high-dimensional datasets onto a smaller number of highly informative dimensions. Here, the first four principal components of the gene expression data are plotted against each other and colored by the values of the selected covariate. This plot may be used to identify clusters in the data and to identify variables associated with prominent signal in the data. Variables that are associated with these leading principal components should be considered in downstream analyses.

  • Heatmaps
  • PCA
    • Heatmap of Wnt Data
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      Heatmap of Wnt Data

      Heatmap of the normalized data, scaled to give all genes equal variance, generated via unsupervised clustering. Orange indicates high expression; blue indicates low expression. This plot is meant to provide a high level exploratory view of the data.

    • Principal Components of Wnt Data
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      Principal Components of Wnt Data

      Principal component analysis maps high-dimensional datasets onto a smaller number of highly informative dimensions. Here, the first four principal components of the gene expression data are plotted against each other and colored by the values of the selected covariate. This plot may be used to identify clusters in the data and to identify variables associated with prominent signal in the data. Variables that are associated with these leading principal components should be considered in downstream analyses.

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