This plot shows the signatures' association with Response. Points show signatures' mean log2 fold-changes between responders and non-responders;
lines show 95% confidence intervals. Any score whose confidence interval contains zero is not statistically significant.
Larger boxes also indicate statistical significance.
Select Analysis:
Boxplot of scores vs. Response
Points show individual samples; color denotes Drug.
Center lines show median scores, box ends show the 25th and 75th percentiles, and the extreme lines show the highest and lowest scores excluding outliers.
ROC curve
ROC curves show the predictive performance of a signature score: they show the
True Positive Rates (TPRs) and False Positive Rates (FPRs) that are achieved by varying the cutoff for
calling a sample positive or negative.
A signature with no predictive power will have an ROC curve along the diagonal, and a perfectly predictive
signature will have a curve that reaches the top left corner. Lines show ROC curves; shading shows 95% confidence intervals.