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Complementary companion advanced analysis software for Nanostring nCounter.

New version 4.0 now available 

nSolver Analysis Software is an integrated analysis platform for storage, custom QC, and custom normalization of nCounter data. Generate highly-customized exports, basic statistical outputs, and publication-quality figures quickly and easily with the no incremental cost.

iconRecommended quality control on samples/lanes

iconTunable normalization and fold-change measurements

iconStatistical significance testing Advanced Analysis modules based on R programming language

iconComprehensive and detailed searches from anywhere in the application

iconCompatible with standard analysis programs including; Ingenuity Pathway Analysis, Partek Genomics Suite, BioDiscovery Nexus Copy Number, Advaita iPathwayGuide

iconIntegrated with nDesign™ Gateway

nSolver 4.0 training videos

Complementary companion advanced analysis software for Nanostring nCounter.

New version 4.0 now available 

nSolver Analysis Software is an integrated analysis platform for storage, custom QC, and custom normalization of nCounter data. Generate highly-customized exports, basic statistical outputs, and publication-quality figures quickly and easily with the no incremental cost.

iconRecommended quality control on samples/lanes

iconTunable normalization and fold-change measurements

iconStatistical significance testing Advanced Analysis modules based on R programming language

iconComprehensive and detailed searches from anywhere in the application

iconCompatible with standard analysis programs including; Ingenuity Pathway Analysis, Partek Genomics Suite, BioDiscovery Nexus Copy Number, Advaita iPathwayGuide

iconIntegrated with nDesign™ Gateway

nSolver 4.0 training videos


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